Cassillis Debonaire
(M2887), was sired
by Cassilis Sovereign and out of Cassilis Chansonette, born in 1968.
He was bred by the Cassilis Farm and owned by Robert Bartlett. In his
life time, Debonaire sired some of the greatest Hackney show ponies including:
Debonaire's Dizzy-Wizz, Debonaire's Moonraker, Kilreen's Debonaire Lady,
Mr. Beau Jangles, Mr. Amigo, Rag-A-Muffin, Rags to Riches, Rhymes
and Reasons, Silent Partner, That's My Gal and Village Pride. In today's
show ring you can still see the hoof prints of Cassilis Debonaire's progeny
making their victory pass. (Inducted March 2001)